

Why You Need To Go Digital?

As businesses adapt to new situations, something that all businesses need to look at is how they can move parts of their business to mobile and web technologies. Here are some ways you should be using technology in the new business environment. Website…

For Cybersecurity Even ‘Trusted Sources’ Need To Be Watched.

The prevailing wisdom when protecting yourself from online scams is never open files sent to you by people you don’t know. While this is good advice, it still leaves you open to problems caused by “trusted sources.” You may know that …

Evaluate Whether That Latest Digital Trend Is Worth Adopting

No one wants to pass up a useful innovation. At the same time, you don’t want to jump after every “next big thing.” Jumping into new apps and programs can be a huge drain of time and money if you’re not careful. When deciding wh…

Tech Only Matters If It Affects The Customer

A few years ago I attended an event in which most of the attendees were programmers. As everyone introduced themselves they talked about what programming language they used and why it was the best. When it came to my turn I told them something none of …